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How I can install GBirthday?

First, take in mind you need a linux distribution installed.
If your distribution uses .deb packages, just download file an install with GDebi or similar apps.
(The new version has not yet a .deb package.)
If your distribution uses .rpm packages, do same with some rpm graphical installer tool.
Else, after donwload package you must untar file. To do that, open the source file with an archive manager.
And, as root, install application in your system with "make install".

How I run GBirthday on Session Startup?

Go to System -> Preferences -> Sessions.
On startup tab press add button.
Fill fields like this:

GBirtday will run at next startup

How I change GBirthday Language?

Internationalization is available from 0.4.0. You can't actually change the Language.
There are just a few languages, you can check languages folder. /usr/share/gbirthday/languages/
GBirthday will take the file which best matches with your locales. If none, it will take english by default.
German file is commented, so, you can take as base to make your own locale file.

Why my birthays before 1970 are shown in future?

The issue is with your locale configuration.
Check with locale which locale are you using: run locale.
Copy from /usr/share/i18n/locale/ and open it with your favorite editor.
Look for for the line which starts by d_fmt, d_t_fmt, date_fmt and change the last value, <U0079> with <U0059>
run as root: localedef -c -i <youfile> -f UTF-8 /usr/lib/locale/<foldergotfromlocale>
Restart evolution and correct your contacts.
+++++ Update ++++
An alternative solution to this problem, proposed by Simon Hepburn, is to just edit birthdates with Open Hands Contacts, which also uses EDS for storage:
$ sudo aptitude install contacts
Contacts presents birthdates in the YYYY-MM-DD format, so there is no possibility of storing them incorrectly in EDS. Obviously it needs to be pointed out that any subsequent edits of birthdates with Evo will screw things up again ..
The original solution present in the FAQ has the disadvantage that anything under /usr is considered under control of the package management and any changes you make there will automatically be overwritten by any upgrades and thus need to be redone after any updates to the locales package. Reconfiguring locales is not exactly newbie friendly either.
Simon added something similar to the Ubuntu bug report:

After update to .rpm, .deb or a new version, old version still runing rather than new one. What is wrong?

Actually, It's my fault.
When changed installer to packages, I moved resource and bin folders from local to share.
As your system has a /usr/local/bin script, ignores the new /usr/bin file and work with old files.
I made an uninstaller script to solve this issue.
After download, run as root: sudo bash
Now try to run gbirthday again and check version.
There is another file sent with new packages. It will delete app from your system. The easiest way if you installed with