
GBirthday is a birthday reminder application that helps you to remember your contacts' birthdays.
It can be used with Evolution Contacts, Thunderbird/Icedove Lightning and Sunbird/Iceowl Events, CVS-files, MySQL-Databases.
It puts an icon on notification area which will blink when there is any of your contacts' birthday today. You can also check if there is any of your contacts' birhday on next days.
GBirthday is a linux aplication designed to work on a gnome or xfce environment, but should work with kde if you're working with evolution, Lightning or Sunbird as contact manager or if you want to use any database.
GBirthday's source is based on by Axel Heim and pygtk-demo Status Icon by Nikos Kouremenos.
GBirthday has been extended by Andreas Bresser to add data from other data sources than Evolution and can now be used with Sunbird Lightning, MySQL, CVS-files. Other databases can easily be developed to support more data sources.
GBirthday was released under General Public License Version 2+
GBirthday was wrote with python and pygtk, but I'm sure you have already installed all need packages if you're already working with gnome or xfce.
This projects repository is now here. For anonymous checkout type "git clone git:// gbirthday.git".
Translations are always welcomed.